There is so much space out here, the mountains are huge, and the wildlife is amazing. Before I left Richmond, I was in prayer for the for the Holy Spirit to awaken the body of believers set apart for the gospel in the area of Kalispell, Mt. The name of the church is New Covenant Fellowship, its non-denominational and a part of the MFI ministries. God has placed Craig Dyson and his awesome wife Cara in Kalispell to take over the position of Youth Pastors in this church. As a lot of doubts may occur, their attitudes are complete trust in the Father to where they have been assigned. Speaking here and there with the couple, the vision they have, is to blow up this area and raise a youth so large that the fire of God rests here and moves in a incredible way. The youth is just short of one hundred people, He sees close to one thousand in his prayers.
Prior to this conversation we had, My prayer for revival in their region is very serious. During prayer, for the leadership in the church, and the full measure of grace to be attained by the body, I felt a fire in my heart stirring. I see so much hope for this young couple here in Montana, and I feel this is exactly where they are supposed to be. As i continued to pray for the youth, and for the holy spirit to give me words for young leaders, the name Ryan kept surfacing in my heart. After my flight and arrival in Kalispell, I went out with Craig to get dinner, and we talked about the church, his vision, and what he wants to accomplish with the youth by the end of this year. He mentioned to me one of his leaders in the youth, and how he had been struggling with depression, and other things spiritually in his walk with the Lord, his name just happened to be Ryan. I feel sent here by the Holy Spirit, and I pray that God speaks through me to encourage and help the young men press forward in their calling.
One thing God has been dealing with me is life and death. When I became a christian, I had to give up everything I knew and crucify my sinful nature, that is who I was trying to be without God. He calls us to lose our lives to follow him. Without killing your old man, without giving up your pursuit to gratify yourself by what this world offers, you cannot obtain Life with Christ or any blessings that come with it. The light cannot be in the darkness, they are forever separated. "Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified their sinful nature"(Gal5:24)
If you want to grow in God, and experience the full measure of Grace that has already been given, you need to stop trying to do it on your own and say, "God, its not about me, its about you. I thank you for this life, and i ask that you would take all things from me, so I can see who you are in my life. Take my reactions, my thoughts, the words that come from my mouth and tear what i have created on my own, I ask for your direction, your perspective and your thoughts. Help me put myself down to experience your glory in my life. Its not about my emotions, or the way I feel, its about your son Jesus Christ who has completely offered himself in every way to see me live in freedom. Thank you Father. I love you."
I hope you gain complete wisdom and understanding that he has lavished on you.